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Friday, February 17, 2012


We all have secrets...Ever have the feeling that something you say or do is lurking behind you, just waiting to bite you in ass. Literally? Well secrets have that effect on me. Sure, you could probably say that it isn’t healthy to keep secrets, but you could also argue that everyone has secrets. Whether you like it or not, it’s true. And I would say I have a normal amount of secrets, but sometimes I feel like I have too many. Keeping them from the people I love can be really hard, and at times, I find myself contemplating telling them…but at the same time, my secrets are secrets for a reason. If I told someone everything about me, I would be vulnerable…and I will never let myself be like that again. Some may say I am over-guarded, but without my defense system, I wouldn't be as strong as I am. Anyway, secrets are pretty simple.

Say them once
Everyone knows
Certain things
Repeat themselves
Everyone knows
Tell at your own risk
Spread, spread away.

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