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Monday, September 12, 2011

Who Am I Without Dance?

"Should I stay or should I go?" Have you ever heard the saying...if you love something so much, let it go? I know this quote is normally used when talking about a person, but in my life, besides my family, my biggest love is and always will be dance. I love the way you can graze across a stage, making majestic movements and creating a story. I love the feeling you get when you're about to go on stage. You hear the clapping of the audience on the other side, and it just gives you a shot of adrenaline. It's the best feeling in the world. I love the feeling you get when your dance is over, and you're smiling, letting all your hardwork lay out on the table, knowing somebody, somewhere will be cheering your name. For the longest time, these feelings are what truly keep me going. They fuel who I am today. They help me to escape into a new world when I need time to myself. Anytime I feel pressure, stress, sadness, hurt, or anything...I dance. I am a dancer and will always be. But lately, I feel that dance is becoming more of a stressor than a stress-reliever. But only the classes. In the classes, they expect perfect, and when you need a little extra help...you're the girl that didn't get it the first time. That feeling is awful. I mean...tonight, for the first time, I had a complete breakdown about my dancing. I had asked my teacher for extra help on a step, and she kept telling me that I should've paid attention when she demonstrated...which I did...and I felt awful. I felt like she thought I was stupid and not trying at all. So, I caught up with her after class, and she had to stop the tears from pouring down. She told me she was proud. And that made all the difference; however, it seems like I am not getting better, and I'm not at the same level as the other girls my age...and that's not a good thing. Dance is becoming something that doesn't make me feel better, but keeps me the same. And I don't know what to. I am considering dropping classes after the winter recital, but who am I without dance? Maybe someone out there knows...but I personally don't.

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