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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Let the Past...Be the Past

"Don't let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present." For any of you out there taking the time to read what I write, you should know that I have unforgettable past, and I have a very hard time trying to forget it. It seems that my past stays with me everywhere I go, because no matter what I do...it comes back. I always feel like I'm running from my past, full speed ahead, but can never seem to finish the race first. Anytime I am happy, contempt, or even slightly satisfied...its right behind me. You may be wondering what was so bad in my past that everyday I try to hold it back for just a little bit...well, I'm not gonna tell you for two reasons. One...I don't want to relive the horrible times. Two...I don't want to risk depressing any readers. In short, I was bullied. You're probably thinking that...oh. It's not a big deal, because everyone was bullied, but I was bullied by even some of the people I thought were there for me. I was the butt of a lot of jokes and it was awful. But not all things are bad...I met the most amazing person ever...my best friend and she's been where I've been and understands. That's why we are so close. But bottom line...my past is just simply that...the past. And I hope it will just stay like that for the sake of my sanity.


  1. gee, i wonder who is this best friend? ;) haha But Holly I think you have a hard time with closure. When you find closure, you will find peace and can move on. But you are smart to not forget. I definitely never will! "Don't let your past dictate who you are, but let it be apart in who you will become." Our past should contribute in shaping us but should not hinder us or inhibit us. :)

  2. I know and I am trying so hard to let it go...but it will never go completly. It will always be right behind me. But it will only strengthen me. I assure you. "time mends a broken past." So gradually...i'm taking steps.
