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Saturday, October 29, 2011

I Dance Because I Am A Dancer

"The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word." I guess I owe anyone who actually listens to my words an update on the whole quitting dance post that I wrote about a couple of weeks ago. First of all, I mentioned that I bottle things up, and then they explode in random outbursts. That is exactly what happened. I was under so much pressure that I couldn't take it. My life was near a breaking point, and it just came out when I hit the final straw. If you've ever met me, I don't look like your typical dancer. But then again, nothing is typical about me. I fit so many stereo types that you'd have a million assumptions about me, until you spent ten minutes with me. But anyway, I dance because it is who I am. Stereo type me all you want, but I am a good dancer, and I couldn't imagine a day of my life without dancing. It is what I do. Some people play sports, others act, some sing, but I dance. And I'd like to think I am a fairly good painter, and an aspiring writer, but I guess I'll just stick with dancing first. I know I am good at that. And in the other entry, I mentioned that just being on stage gave me satisfaction. Well, that was an understatement...Nothing in world gives that same feeling that I feel when I am on that stage, performing a piece of poetry in motion. It is what keeps me going everyday. I know that there are always people out there judging me, but at that point in time, I could care less. I graze across that stage with confidence and fun. It's what I love to do and hope to do for a long time. And everytime I dance, I grow right before anyone's very eyes. Why would I want to end all this?


  1. Africans have very historical civilizations approved on from technology to technology for centuries. In the lessons of traditional Africa civilizations, everything in the world is populated by spirit; we're all basically mood with a actual form. As soul and matter, we all have the ability to normally fall into inspiration or "fly" into the areas that mood enjoy and to experience these "other worlds" with all the feelings of the standard actual region.
    Biodanza Dance Directory
