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Thursday, August 18, 2011


"Coulrophobia: it is quite simply the fear of clowns." I've had this phobia ever since I was little. Maybe it was simply from the movie It by Stephen King. But it seems like it's so much deeper than that. Like if you see those obviously fake-looking clowns that perform at parties or at the circus, they spook me too...just like clowns that have been written as killer clowns; however, they scare me more...go figure. And as long as I can remember they have scared me. But it seems as though lately all I have is nightmares, usually involving clowns of some sort. Waking up...all scared and looking around the room...being afraid to turn the lights off. All of these have affected my state of being recently...and I'm trying to figure out why. It's not like I've watched any movies or seen any lately...I refuse to watch clown movies...which is why this is confusing me. I really wish I knew why they fill my mind so much. I mean, wouldn't you want to know why you were scared so much? Oh well...maybe this will pass in a few days. For now...I don't see myself getting a whole lot of sleep.


  1. U ca always talk 2 me. I have some ideas and I'm here to listen :)

  2. well what are your ideas? and i seriously have no idea where it's coming from.... :((
