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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Start All Over

" No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again." I've come to the dicision that this year, I am going to make a clean start. Using these guidelines...I will make this year a good one.
1. Don't let what people judge get to me.
2. Confidence is key.
3. Join a new club/ group.
4. Make new friends, but don't lose the old ones.
5. Don't let anyone take advantage of me.
6. Forgive and forget the past.
7. Take a chance and do something to stand out every once and a while.
8. Smile more.
9. Never let fear/ shyness control my next move.
10. Make sure my grades are moy top priorities.
With these goals in mind, I will surely have a great year. I also want to get healthier. I am aware that I have a big bottom, but its out of my hands. Genetics gave it to me. It's my job to keep myself healthy. And that is what I am gonna do.


  1. OMG U WILL NOT BELIEVE HOWHAPPY I AM RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! who has been telling u these things for yrs? Not aunt sally... ME! I'm so glad that u r putting in the effort to start anew. And if it worked out and anything like me, u will so much happier, content, and have a greater sense of self! Ik u will do great! :D

  2. Thanks for all your support and love through all of my troubled years :) And I will start fresh, and I know it'll take time...but I'm willing to put forth the effort :)
